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Tuesday 7 December 2010

Fabric to be used for the coat: It rminds me a lot of water and movement, being a design for a toad it seemed quite fitting.

Front view of the coat: I went for an old style over coat with a cape for Toad purely because it's very upper class with it's cape and the length. The Toad I have designed isn't intended to be in a certain part of history, he is very modern in his colour and fabric choices but he prefers the older style of tailoring.

The coat is a little bit too long here as it looks more like a tent due to the sheer size, and shape, of him. I'll bring the hemline higher so that more of the legs are visible, hopefully this will make it look more coat-like.

Once the fastenings are completed on the garment it will hold it's shape better. Overall I'm happy with the look of the garment and I love the effect the fabric has.

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